Dietary supplements are getting all the recognition for a very good reason. From commercial and social media ads to your friends and family, everyone is talking about vitamins these days. Supplements not only boost your health but also take care of your skin and hair. So if you are reading all the best vitamin reviews, you may be thinking of giving it a try. But before you start taking vitamin supplements, there are some things you need to know.
1. There’s more than one form of supplements
Supplements come in many forms, such as pills, powder, drinks, etc. No matter what the type is, the job of the supplements remains the same. They are to help you get enough nutrients for your body to function and enhance bones, skin, and hair growth. Also, supplements aren’t limited to vitamins only; other dietary ingredients like minerals, herbs, protein, etc., can be incorporated into supplements. For example, if you are suffering from vitamin C deficiency, you need to take Vitamin C supplements; similarly, for iron deficiency, you need iron supplements. You can also consume multivitamin supplements if you lack more than one vitamin in your blood.
2. Some supplements may not work
It’s true that not all supplements are effective. Also, some supplements may work faster than others. It all depends on the concentration of the main ingredient being used. Although supplements don’t usually have side effects, it’s still a good idea to keep tabs on the concentration and the amounts of supplements you are consuming. Although some studies showed that taking supplements with a balanced diet helps replenish the lost nutrients and may enhance your health, more research needs to be done.
3. Not all supplements are deemed safe
The FDA in the U.S doesn’t have a strict regulation when it comes to dietary supplements. What this means is there are no surefire ways to know what goes inside the supplements. Dodgy supplement brands can thus take advantage of this and can fool people easily.
That isn’t the only reason why some supplements aren’t safe for certain people. Supplements can disrupt the effectiveness of other medications if taken simultaneously. Excessive vitamins can cause problems like blood thinning, nose bleeding, damage to your liver, etc. So, it’s best to proceed with caution and consult a doctor first.
4. It’s wise to consult a doctor first
As we spoke about this earlier, we can’t stress enough that no matter how top quality vitamins are, you shouldn’t take them without consulting healthcare professionals. Just because the supplements are marked as “natural” doesn’t mean they are entirely safe. Also, if you have children, then you should seek help from doctors rather than self-treat using the service of supplements.
5. Real food is always the best
You’ve probably guessed it coming! No matter how many supplements you take, it can’t equate to the efficiency of a proper diet. Supplements aren’t a replacement for a healthy diet. Supplements provide additional nourishment, true, but they can’t be used as substitutes for edible sources. So, don’t starve yourself or deprive yourself of eating nutritious food, thinking that supplements will take care of the nutrient needs.
In conclusion, it’s safe to say that vitamins on sale aren’t the answer to all of your questions. Hope you will keep these five factors in mind before you plan on buying a big pack of supplements. Do your research, consult a doctor and then buy them. If you are searching for authentic vitamins near you, check out PowerPills.